The Regional Transportation Projects feature layer models
transportation infrastructure and associated projects within the Pikes
Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) region which are included in
the long-range regional transportation plan (LRTP), the supporting
short-range Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Pikes Peak
Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA), and projects within the region
that appear in the CDOT 10-year transportation plan. The data in this
feature class is developed by PPACG from information provided by or
acquired from CDOT, local jurisdictions within the region, the Pikes
Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA), and typically digitized or
edited using coincident features in the PPACG Route_Centerlines feature
The 'TranProjID' field stores the unique ID values for
each feature in this data set as recorded by each project's respective
program or sponsor agency. The 'STprojPrgrm' field identifies the
funding or planning program for each project as one of the following
subtypes: Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP), Pikes Peak Regional Transportation Authority
(PPRTA), or CDOT Region 2 10-Year Plans. The 'PrgmScope' field further
describes the administrative scope of the funding or planning program
identified in the 'STprojPgrm' subtype field according to each project's
location or timeframe. The 'Proj_Name' field records the name or title
of the project, while the 'Proj_Desc' field describes the project. The
'ProjType1' and 'ProjType2' fields identify the recorded project type
and additional project type, respectively, and categorize the general
transportation needs each project fulfills. The 'Spnsr_Agcy' field
records the principal agency sponsoring each project, while the
'Proj_Status' field describes the general funding or construction status
for each project, and the 'LRTP_Cycle' field identifies the LRTP
planning cycle during which a project was funded or is currently
eligible for funding. The 'Info_Link' field provides a url for more
detailed information on each project's program type or funding source.
The remaining fields store data pertinent to PPACG's planning
operations, and primarily describe the operational and modeling
attributes of each project.