The Traffic Counts feature layer models the locations and daily volume of traffic counts within the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) region. The data in this feature class is developed by PPACG from information provided by or acquired from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), county and municipal governments within the region, and private companies contracted to perform traffic count collections.
The 'Source_ID' field references the ID for the counter, location, or report provided by the source of each count, which may not be unique to the dataset. The 'RouteCL_ID' field stores the unique ID for a related Route_Centerlines feature class segment, while the 'Loc_Desc' field describes the relative location of the traffic counter.
The Hourly Traffic Counts layer records the average number of vehicles at each location in one-hour intervals, and has fields for storing each hour's count and a field identifying the number of days the counter collected at each location. The Daily Traffic Counts layer records daily traffic volume at each location, and has a 'Count_Type' field that identifies the type of count collected. Most of the daily counts are a measure of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), which is a calculated average of traffic volume recorded at that location throughout a single year, while an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) count is an average of traffic volume recorded at that location across multiple days, and a 24-hr count is the traffic volume recorded during a single day. Both layers have a 'Count_Yr' field to record the year the count was collected.
For more detailed information regarding the information contained, including available attribute fields, extents, and data sources, please examine the descriptions and metadata for each layer.