DescriptionIncludes segments of public highways that are maintained by and under the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Transportation. These highways consist of Interstates, US Highways, and State Highways. In addition, some major roads and local roads are integrated to this dataset. All scenic byways coincide with accurate centerlines of the roadways that carry them. Features are represented by polyline (linear) geographic shapes. Bounding coordinates and feature counts reflect a statewide extent.
Last Update2019Update FrequencyAs neededData OwnerDivision of Transportation DevelopmentData ContactGIS Support UnitCollection Method
ProjectionNAD83 / UTM zone 13NCoverage AreaStatewideTemporal
Disclaimer/LimitationsThere are no restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set. The State of Colorado assumes no liability relating to the completeness, correctness, or fitness for use of this data.