This application was created in order to display public address and parcel data at small and large scales. The spatial point and polygon data is aggregated by the State of Colorado Governor's Office of Information Technology Geospatial Information Systems Team. Links are also available to view the ArcGIS Online items for parcel and address data.
8/5/2024 - updated with new data and added Select widget to application.
The spatial polygon data is aggregated by the State of Colorado Governor's Office of Information Technology Geospatial Information Systems Team. This dataset represents an on-going relationship between the counties, municipalities and the State of Colorado to provide accurate updated parcel information. Updates are collected annually. This data layer reflects an evolving data model of the Colorado State Parcel Dataset.
To download this data as a file geodatabase, please visit the link below:
This map was created in order to display public parcel data at small and large scales. The spatial point data is aggregated by the State of Colorado Governor's Office of Information Technology Geospatial Information Systems Team.