The Route Centerlines feature layer models the administrative
and planning attributes of those roadway traffic routes which are functionally
classified with the FHWA or otherwise included in the regional travel demand
model for the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) region. The data in this feature class is developed by PPACG from information provided by or acquired from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), National Highway System (NHS) data distributed by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics as part of the National Transportation Atlas Database, local jurisdictions within the region, and aerial imagery.
The 'RouteCL_ID' field stores the primary key and unique ID values for each feature in this data set. The 'Route_Name' field identifies the recorded name according to the owner of each route segment, while the 'Alt_Name' field identifies any additional names or aliases assigned to that route segment. The 'Owner' field identifies the legal entity which owns, or is eligible to receive appropriate ownership tax revenue for, the roadway modeled by each route segment, and is typically derived from the state's Highway Use Tax Fund (HUTF) records. The 'FClassFed' field records the federally recognized functional classification for each route segment according to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), while the 'FClasOwner' field describes any secondary functional class descriptions applied by the owner of each route segment. The 'NHS_Cat' field identifies the component category for those routes included in the National Highway System (NHS), the 'STRAHNET' field records a route segment's classification on the Strategic Highway Network, and the 'Frght_Corr' field identifies if the route segment is part of a designated regional, state, or national freight corridor. Fields with the 'CMP' prefix record planning corridor designations as defined in the current regional Congestion Management Process. The remaining fields store data pertinent to PPACG's planning operations, and primarily describe the location, operational, and physical attributes of each route.
The source of each feature's geometry and spatial definition is identified in the 'Geo_Source' field. The 'Geo_Edit' field describes any geometry edits that were made to alter the source data, such as adjustments to maintain consistency with neighboring data or imagery.