DescriptionPotential fens within a 500-m buffer of Colorado highways were identified in ArcGIS 10.3/10.4 using true color aerial photography taken by the National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) in 2004, 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015, as well as color-infrared imagery from 2013 and 2015. High (but variable) resolution World Imagery from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) was also used. Using all available imagery and data, potential fen polygons were hand-drawn based on the best estimation of fen boundaries. Each potential fen polygon was attributed with a confidence value of 1 (low confidence), 3 (possible fen), or 5 (likely fen).
In addition to the confidence rating, any justifications of the rating or interesting observations were noted, including iron fens, beaver influence, floating mats, and springs. Once all potential fens were mapped, each polygon was assigned a code for tracking throughout the verification process. The code was a combination of the closest highway segment and a running sequential four-digit number (e.g., 082A-0278).After field verification, additional confidence values of 7 (confirmed fen) and 0 (confirmed non-fen) were added.
Last Update
Update FrequencyAs needed
Data Owner
Division of Transportation Development
Data Contact
Wetland Program Manager
Collection Method
NAD83 / UTM zone 13N
Coverage Area
There are no restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set. The State of C