CDOT FY14 Strategic Plan to guide the strategic planning and budgeting processes, the Transportation Commission and Department have adopted mission and vision statements, core values, and operating principles. Components of the strategic plan, as required by Section 2-7-202(13)(a) (C.R.S. 2012) commencing with the State budget process for fiscal year 2012-13, are highlighted in bold.
The vision of the department is to enhance the quality of life and the environment of the citizens of Colorado by creating an integrated transportation system that focuses on safely moving people and goods and by offering convenient linkages among modal choices. It accomplishes this by relying on its core values of safety, people, respect, integrity, customer service, and excellence.
CDOT’s mission is to provide the best multi-modal transportation system for Colorado that most effectively and safely moves people, goods and information. This mission is manifested in part through operating principles within Transportation Commission Policy Directive 13: customer focus, leadership, partnership, integrated regional and statewide priorities, financial responsibilities, balanced quality of life, environment, accessible connectivity and modal choices, and social responsibility.
Purpose: Provide agency transparency about State goals and agenda