The Traffic Crashes feature layer models roadway traffic crashes within the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG) region, typically over a five-year period. This data is developed from crash data records compiled by CDOT from police accident reports filed with the state by each jurisdiction in the region. CDOT consolidates the police reports into a single database, removes personal identifying information, and then provides PPACG with an exported table of crash data records. The majority of the crash records (greater than 99.99%) are successfully linear referenced to routes or geocoded to address information acquired from CDOT, the El Paso-Teller County E911 Authority, and Park County. All crash records associated with roadways modeled in PPACG's Route Centerlines feature class are further refined by PPACG to align with coincident roadway network links and intersections.
The 'Crash_ID' field stores the unique ID value for each feature in this data set, and is derived as a concatenation of the crash year and the 'CUID' CDOT crash database identifier field. The 'CUID' field is provided by CDOT in their crash data deliverable, and may not be unique. The 'RouteCL_ID' field, the ‘NetLink_ID' field, and the 'Intrsct_ID' fields record the foreign keys for any related features in PPACG's respective Route Centerlines, Roadway Network Links, and Roadway Network Intersections feature classes. The ‘Severity’ field categorizes each crash according to the severity of injuries or resultant fatalities, if any, as reported in the crash data. The 'Date_Time' field stores the concatenated crash date and crash time from each report into a single date field, while the 'Day' field records the day of the week of each crash. The 'DriveImp_1', 'DriveImp_2', and NM_Imp' fields identify if the drivers or non-motorist involved in each crash was suspected of drug or alcohol impairment according to the crash record, which may have included field sobriety testing. Those fields are not updated with the results of any further tests or other conclusive measures that may have been performed after the crash report was filed. All remaining fields are derived directly from CDOT crash data records, altered by PPACG to provide descriptive and consistent field names and aliases that still logically reference the original CDOT crash data schema, and primarily describe the location, roadway features, conditions, vehicle information, and driver actions documented with each crash record.