Airport locations, nearby city, recreation in the area, and more with associated data (hours, annual number of passengers, etc) from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).
Airport locations, nearby city, recreation in the area, and more with associated data (hours, annual number of passengers, etc) from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).
Gross Domestic Production (GDP) in millions of 2009 Dollars by industry per Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), from 2001 to 2017 in Colorado, as provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Number of returns, gross sales, retail sales, state net taxable sales, retailers, and state sales tax summarized monthly by city from the Colorado Department of Revenue.
Created and managed by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) at the State of Colorado, this data shows all the active metropolitan districts within the state. Attribution includes information regarding the district name, mailing address, website links (if applicable), etc.
For more information on special districts in the State of Colorado, visit their website here.
DescriptionInterchange points were derived from the interchange polygon dataset. The exit number(s) associated with an interchange are included in the attribute table.Last Update2018Update FrequencyAs neededData OwnerDivision of Transportation DevelopmentData ContactGIS Support UnitCollection Method ProjectionNAD83 / UTM zone 13NCoverage AreaStatewideTemporal Disclaimer/LimitationsThere are no restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set. The State of Colorado assumes no liability relating to the completeness, correctness, or fitness for use of this data.