Sales tax rate for 83 cities, along with service and license fees, in Colorado along with the city’s mailing address as reported by the Department of Revenue (CDOR).
Sales tax rate for 83 cities with service and license fees, in Colorado along with the city’s mailing address as reported by the Department of Revenue (CDOR).
Municipal boundaries within the DRCOG Region for years 2000-Present. This data can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject and are available in a variety of formats, including KML, WMS, GeoRSS, and Shapefile.
Gross Domestic Production (GDP) in millions of 2009 Dollars by industry per Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), from 2001 to 2017 in Colorado, as provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Number of returns, gross sales, retail sales, state net taxable sales, retailers, and state sales tax summarized monthly by city from the Colorado Department of Revenue.