Datasets associated with DRCOG's Metro Vision and Regional Transportation Plans. This data can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject and are available in a variety of formats, including KML, WMS, GeoRSS, and Shapefile.
Features in this dataset represent traffic counts on public roads under local jurisdiction that are functionally classified as arterials or collectors. Features are represented by polyline (linear) geographic shapes from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), for 2014
The City of Fort Collins GIS Online Mapping tool (FCMaps) provide current, timely and local geographic information in an easy to use viewer. FCMaps is mobile friendly and will work well on tablets and smartphones as well as a desktop browser.
Here you will find locations of City-maintained medians and parkways.
Point locations of mileposts for start and end of road projects and associated improvement codes and timelines for active construction projects on funded roads in Colorado August 2010 through March 2017 from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Use this data with Construction Projects Line Segments.