Datasets associated with DRCOG's Metro Vision and Regional Transportation Plans. This data can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject and are available in a variety of formats, including KML, WMS, GeoRSS, and Shapefile.
Transportation Improvement Program projects, and other associated datasets. This data can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject and are available in a variety of formats, including KML, WMS, GeoRSS, and Shapefile.
Highway grades in sections across Colorado. Contains detailed data for state highways, including grades from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).
Bridges in good condition typically have a rating from 80 to 100 and generally meet all safety and geometry standards. Good structures typically only require preservation-focused maintenance. Bridges in fair condition have a sufficiency rating from 50 to 80 and are qualified as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. They marginally satisfy safety and geometry standards and require preservation-focused maintenance or occasional corrective rehabilitation work. Any bridge with a sufficiency rating of less than 50 and a status of structurally deficient or functionally obsolete is considered to be in poor condition. Bridges rated poor have exceeded their viable service life and require replacement or major rehabilitation.