This Google Fusion Table contains locations where person(s) can drop off unused household medication. This dataset was updated in March of 2017. The Colorado Household Medication Take-Back Program is now expanding with a goal of establishing at least one permanent collection location in every Colorado county. All locations can accept prescribed controlled substances (e.g. Percocet, Vicodin, Xanax, Ritalin and Adderall) along with other prescribed and over-the-counter medications.
The success of the program depends on its proper use.
Medications may be deposited in their original containers, but you can help conserve space in collection bins by pouring pills/capsules into a zip-top bag and then trashing or recycling containers separately. Strike out personal information on pill containers before depositing in collection bins or trashing/recycling them.
Do not deposit excessive packaging, like cardboard boxes, in the collection bins.