This dataset includes information about storage tanks registered with the State of Colorado, Department of Labor & Employment, Division of Oil & Public Safety. The data are a combination of information provided by the owner and collected during inspection by the State of Colorado, Department of Labor & Employment, Division of Oil & Public Safety. There is no guarantee the data published are 100% accurate, correct, current or complete. This dataset does not include tanks that were applied for installation permit but were denied or never installed. The This information is also publicly accessible at
Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicle Charging Station locations are gathered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and verified annually.
Rail terminal locations that handle the loading and unloading of crude oil in the State of Colorado as produced by US Energy Information Administration (USEIA). Navigate to source for most current information.
Data provided by the State of Colorado, Department of Labor & Employment, Division of Oil & Public Safety. There is no guarantee the data published is 100% accurate, correct, current or complete.
Industrial-scale onshore wind turbine facility information, turbine technical specifications and corresponding locations in the Colorado produced by the US Geological Survey (USGS) as of July 22, 2013.
Major crude oil pipelines data for Colorado are maintained by the US Energy Information Administration (USEIA) and updated annually. Navigate to source for most current information.
Electrified parking spaces (EPS) for Colorado is updated annually by The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Navigate to source for most current information.