Background Despite the infrequency of storms, the City of Colorado Springs Streets Division must be prepared for minor and major snowstorms from September through May. The City's Streets Division is responsible for servicing over 7,431 lane miles of roadway, extending over a 194 square mile area. While average annual snowfall stands at 42 inches, snow can pile up quickly, at varying rates throughout the City. Elevation and wind can compound accumulation, causing an immediate impact on the City's mobility. Hence, the need for safe and passable streets is a priority for the Streets Division.
Route Type
Primary Routes, which are multi-lane roads with large volumes of traffic or hospital access, are treated first.
Once the primary routes are passable, snow crews move on to Secondary Routes,
which includes school access and collector streets that serve as the main connections between neighborhoods and primary roads.
If there is continuous snowfall, the Primary Routes may have to be plowed more than once, which will delay the response on secondary streets.
Street Treatments The City uses two materials on City streets. The first material is called "anti-skid" and is used on most snow routes. Anti-skid can contain up to 20 percent salt, and is used to aid in vehicle traction. The second material is used on many of the City's thoroughfares and is called "IceSlicer." This material is a de-icer and will lower the freezing temperature of water. IceSlicer will work down to around 10 degrees.
For more information about the City of Colorado Springs Street Division, please click
hereState and County Roads
All State and County roads are maintained by their own staff. For information on snow removal on State or County roads, call:
- CDOT winter road conditions, (303) 639-1111
- CDOT road maintenance office (Colorado Springs), (719) 634-2323 or (719) 576-1868
- El Paso County Department of Transportation office, (719) 520-6460
Contact information
- City of Colorado Springs Streets Division, (719) 385-5934
- 24-Hour Answering Service, (719) 278-8352
- Streets Division automated snow hotline, (719) 385-SNOW
- National Weather Service Forecast information for Colorado Springs, (303) 573-6846
- What to Know for Snow City information - WinterStorms