Sales rooms are permanent fixtures where beer, wine, or spirits are manufactured and sold on site. Data provided from the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) Liquor Enforcement Division.
Division of Water Resources (DWR) Surface Water Stations. This is a list of all stream, diversion, and reservoir gages within the state of Colorado along with their period of record.
This map was created in order to display public parcel data at small and large scales. The spatial point data is aggregated by the State of Colorado Governor's Office of Information Technology Geospatial Information Systems Team.
This list provides a summary of proposed projects to build new dams, enlarge existing dams, or perform maintenance/repair projects at existing dams. It contains projects that are currently under review and projects that have been approved or rejected within the last 45 days. The information is provided to educate the public about ongoing efforts to maintain and build dams in the state of Colorado and facilitate appeals pursuant to Rule 20 of 2-CCR-402-1.
Names and locations of business with active liquor licenses approved in the last three months from the Colorado Department of Revenue (CDOR) Liquor Enforcement Division.
This is an ArcGIS Online web service updated by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife GIS Unit for distributing Colorado state parks and wildlife species GIS data for public distribution.