- Community Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Your Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Raters
- 0
- Visits
- 1459
- Downloads
- 21
- Comments
- 0
- Contributors
- 0
- Category
- Transportation
- Permissions
- Public
- Tags
- gocodecolorado, colorado, cdot, colorado department of transportation, transportation, public roads, roads, local roads, city, county, location, urban roads, rural roads, congestion, gis
- Data Provided By
- Source Link
- https://www.codot.gov/
- License
- Public Domain
- Citation
- CDOT - Colorado Department of Transportation
- Agency Program Page
- https://www.codot.gov/
- Agency Data Series Page
- http://dtdapps.coloradodot.info/otis/catalog
- Field Names, comma delimited
- aadt, aadtderiv, aadtyr, adminclass, alias, builtyr, congested, countstati, cr_id, descriptio, fips, fipscounty, forestrout, from_descr, frommeas, funcclassi, fund_id, gis_id, govlevel, hpmsid, jursplit, lrs_bgn, lrs_end, lrsroute, map_num, map_text, nhsdesig, operation, population, priiri, pripsi, prisurfwd, prithrulnw, route, routename, seg_length, segmdir, segmid, shape_len, shape_st_1, shape_stle, specialsys, surf_type, surfname, thrulnqty, thrulnwd, to_descr, tomeas, urban
- Long Description
- Public roads under local (city/county) jurisdiction that are functionally identified as local. Does not contain major roads or highways. Each road is segmented with a to and from description. The direction, length, type (paved/dirt), width (in feet), local route name and id, number of lanes, one/two-way bridges, average daily traffic counts, locations of count stations, if it is congested, if maintenance is under shared jurisdiction and the year it was built or last updated. Political jurisdictions for each segment include FIPS County codes, CDOT Administrative Zones, primary responsible Government Level (designated by Federal Highway Act), whether a segment is urban or rural (designated by the Census), whether it has National Highway Designation, if it is a designated Forest Route, and if it is eligible for local or special funding.
- Single Row
- Local roads name, length, location, congestion, and year built
- Related Datasets
- Related to: Highways in Colorado, Major Roads in Colorado
- Expected Update Frequency
- Automated - monthly
- Stewardship Plan
- Pushed from OTIS statewide data catalog via url to CIM Staging Server
- Update Schedule
- 4th of month
- Update Method
- Automated by Staging Server
- Update Type
- Automated - monthly
- Total Records At Initial Publish
- 162814
- Unit of Analysis
- Vector line
- Geographic Coverage
- State
- Horizontal Coordinate System
- NAD83/UTM zone 13N
- Web Display Coordinate System
- WGS84
- Coordinate System Disclaimer
- NOTE: To maintain source projection, select “Export Original” from export menu. To display on the web, export using any other option.