Airport locations, nearby city, recreation in the area, and more with associated data (hours, annual number of passengers, etc) from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).
- Community Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Your Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Raters
- 0
- Visits
- 2855
- Downloads
- 237
- Comments
- 0
- Contributors
- 0
- Category
- Transportation
- Permissions
- Public
- Tags
- bic, gocodecolorado, colorado, cdot, colorado department of transportation, recreation, city, airplane, runway, gis
Licensing and Attribution
- Data Provided By
- Source Link
- License
- Public Domain
Additional Dataset Documentation
- Additional Metadata
- html file in zip folder
Contributing Agency Information
- Citation
- CDOT - Colorado Department of Transportation
- Agency Program Page
- Agency Data Series Page
Data Description
- Collection Mode
- GPS coordinates and attribute data collected on site
- Data Collection Instrument
- vary by data type
- Date of Initial Dataset Creation
- 12/27/2006
- Field Names, comma delimited
- aircraftop, airporthou, airporttyp, annualops, annualpass, assoccity, comments, county, elev, fipscity, fipscounty, func_level, isnhs, lat, lighting, loc_id, long, name, navigation, nearcity, nearhwy, nearrecrea, objectid, region, runwayleng, runways, runwaysurf, tprid, x_coord, y_coord
- Long Description
- Locations of all airports in Colorado, their primary uses and support features, closest highways and towns, hours and seasonal operations, number surface type and length of runways, annual number of passengers, airport navigation system types and the nearby recreation opportunities. This includes heliport locations, airports for agricultural applications, use of gliders, parachuting, ballooning, presence of wildlife expected on runways, terrain information, and military operations.
- Single Row
- Locations of public or military airports, specifications, use, condition, hours of operation, and nearby amenities.
Data Quality
- Expected Update Frequency
- Automated - monthly
- Stewardship Plan
- Pushed from OTIS statewide data catalog via url to CIM Staging Server
Data Updates
- Update Schedule
- 4th of month
- Update Method
- Automated by Staging Server
- Update Type
- Automated - monthly
- Total Records At Initial Publish
- 80
Dataset Coverage
- Unit of Analysis
- Vector point
- Geographic Coverage
- State
- Horizontal Accuracy
- Horizontal Accuracy based on airport locations published by the FAA
- Horizontal Coordinate System
- NAD83/UTM zone 13N
- Web Display Coordinate System
- WGS84
- Coordinate System Disclaimer
- NOTE: To maintain source projection, select “Export Original” from export menu. To display on the web, export using any other option.
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