Profile Picture bjohnson20

created Sep 25 2017

updated Sep 25 2017


Average rents and vacancies distributed by type of apartment for regions across Colorado dating back to 2006 as defined by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Housing Division. Building size is defined by number of bedrooms, and regions are defined as: Alamosa, Aspen, Buena Vista, Canon City, Central Mountains, Colorado Springs, Durango, Eagle County, Fort Collins/Loveland, Fort Morgan/Brush, Glenwood Springs, Grand Junction, Greeley, Gunnison, Lake County, Montrose, Pueblo, Salida, Southeastern Colorado, Steamboat Springs, Sterling, Central and Metro Average. Counties include: Summit, Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder/Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson.

Community Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
Your Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
rents, vacancies, housing, buildings, housing stock, tenants, population density, residences, occupancy, gocode, gocodecolorado
SODA2 Only
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
Source Link
Public Domain
Contributing Agency Information
Department of Local Affairs Housing Division
Data Description
Collection Mode
The quarterly surveys cover metropolitan areas including Grand Junction, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins/Loveland. Because of the size of some of the markets, three areas were sub-divided: Colorado Springs has seven sub-markets, Fort Collins/Loveland has five, and Pueblo has four. The survey also covers the following market areas from the balance of the state every Third quarter: Alamosa, Aspen, Buena Vista, Cañon City, Durango, Eagle County, Fort Morgan/Brush, Glenwood Springs, Gunnison, Lake County, Montrose, Salida, Southeast Colorado, Steamboat Springs, Sterling, Summit County, and Weld County.
Collection Method
The information for the survey was obtained from participating apartment managers, owners, and property managers. Apartment complex/building lists were developed from official lists. Returned survey forms were checked for completeness, then coded and entered into the computer for processing.
Date of Initial Dataset Creation
Since 1995 the Division of Housing of the State of Colorado has funded the Multi-Family Housing Vacancy and Rental Survey for various Colorado Communities. All vacancy rates are as of the 10th of September for the September Survey (except for 2000 which was for October 10), and the 10th of March for the March Survey.
Oldest Record in Dataset
2007 4th quarter
Newest Record in Dataset
2015 3rd quarter (at time of publish)
Long Description
Average rents and vacancies distributed across the Colorado Market Areas dating back to 2006 as defined by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Housing Division. The survey reports averages so there may be significant differences in vacancy and rental rates by market area, size and location of multi-family buildings. All information collected on each building/complex is totally confidential. Only summary data is reported. Full methodology can be found in the full reports at The sponsors and author make no warranty, express or implied, and assume no legal liability or responsibility for the inclusion of data from the participants in the Survey or for the use of the data from the Survey.
Data Quality
Expected Update Frequency
Stewardship Plan
Automated update via staging server
Data Updates
Update Schedule
Every three months
Update Method
Server to server connection
Total Records at Initial Publish
Total Columns at Recent Update
Dataset Coverage
The cumulative totals have a confidence interval of +/-1 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. The information for the survey was obtained from participating apartment managers, owners, and property managers.
Geographic Coverage
State of Colorado
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